Dinner Plate


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SKU: LMES20242524 Category:

Dinner Plate offers the following features: 32cm dinner plat e with four illustrative Ancient Greek stories; the Shepherd Boy and the Nathalie, Protagoras the Sophist, The Dionysian Gothic Ritual and the Mysteries of Isis Athens, NOEMI ARTS, presentation of ceramic line, 20-25 October 2008 On 20, 21 and 22 October 2008, NOEMI ARTS, in the center of Athens on 7 Konstantinoupoleos Street presented a new ceramic line from Ancient Greece The Secret doors []. All the works presented in this exhibition had to do with the very important event of mythology. Ten artists collaborated on the design, the construction and the whole show; Elena Exarch, Euthanasia Maria Georgios, A. Lack, Vangelis Rousoglou, Many Else, P. Papayas, Tahiti Papadimitriou, A. Scapouglou, Thalia Molina and Choke Xingu; most of them is well known Greek artists exhibited mostly in Hate Couture houses. The brief introduction of this exhibition refers the original temporality of the most of the time, mysterious ancient Greek mythology leaving far behind the taboo of classicism cannot be modern, ancient mythology cannot be contemporary. Instead of repeating the clich? of Antiquity, the artists were investigating, contemplating, discourse. It provides the following benefits to its users: 20 percent smaller plate than what people are accustomed to. For thinner and colorful design that will also brighten up your meals 25 percent overall smaller units based on statistics, studies, and observations Less than 25cent balloon-cost per dinner plate compared to expensive alternative Serial cutting motion directed and stabilized within handheld plastic cutlery Reduces side staining and smudging caused by holding against plate rim

Additional information

Weight 0.7 kg
Dimensions 28 × 28 × 70 cm

32cm dinner plat e with four illustrative Ancient Greek stories; the Shepherd Boy and the Naphalis, Protagoras the Sophist, The Dionysian Gathic Ritual and the Mysteries of Isis Athens, NOEMI ARTS, presentation of ceramic line, 20-25 October 2008 On 20, 21 and 22 October 2008, NOEMI ARTS, in the center of Athens on 7 Konstantinoupoleos Street presented a new ceramic line from Ancient Greece The Secret doors []. All the works presented in this exhibition had to do with the very important event of mythology. Ten artists collaborated on the design, the construction and the whole show; Elena Exarchou, Athanassia Maria Georgiou, A. Lakki, Vagelis Rousoglou, Amany ElSaedi, P. Papadatos, Thiti Papadimitriou, A. Scapouglou, Thalia Tolika and Chloki Xinyu; most of them is well known Greek artists exhibited mostly in Haute Couture houses. The brief introduction of this exhibition refers the original temporality of the, most of the time, mysterious ancient Greek mythology leaving far behind the taboo of classicism cannot be modern, ancient mythology cannot be contemporary. Instead of repeating the clichs of Antiquity, the artists were investigating, contemplating, discours


20 percent smaller plate than what people are accustomed to. For thinner and colorful design that will also brighten up your meals 25 percent overall smaller units based on statistics, studies, and observations Less than 25cent balloon-cost per dinnerplate compared to expensive alternative Serial cutting motion directed and stabilized within handheld plastic cutlery Reduces side staining and smudging caused by holding against plate rim

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China Mall Online


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